Steel Manufacturers

Anthracite Coal for the Iron and Steel Industry:

Steel-Making, Sinter Plants, Indurating Furnaces,Furnace Coal Replacement, and More.

Because our on-site testing lab guarantees continuous quality and we can deliver anthracite quickly, our coal is a favorite of iron- and steel-producing plants. Lehigh Anthracite’s coal is well suited to virtually every type of iron-making and steel manufacturing facility, including:

  • Blast furnaces: Egg, stove and nut coal low in ash, sulfur, alkali and phosphorus, replaces a small percentage of furnace coke at up to 30% savings
  • Sinter plants: Perfectly sized, with low sulfur and volatile matter, and can be directly charged to replace coke breeze and petroleum coke
  • Indurating furnaces: Hard firing of iron ore pellets with anthracite of guaranteed quality

Lehigh Anthracite can also cut expenses while preserving quality in several steel-making processes:

  • Charge carbon: Low-cost, low-sulfur, high-fixed carbon in 1 ½” x ½”
    size range for maximum efficiency and yield
  • Injection/slag foaming carbon: Value-priced, high-quality anthracite in rice and barley sizes
  • Recarburizer: Lower costs by substituting high-quality anthracite for coke or synthetic graphite